Attention is currently required from: Frank Filz.
Lior Suliman would like Frank Filz to review this change.
multilock: Fixed a bug in the sleep command
The timeend - time(NULL) happened to be negative and that called
the pselect syscall with a negative number and the tool finished
with an error.
The case that ran was `simple_block`, when it got to the 2 second
sleep command it did it in two iterations and in the second
iteration the tv_secs was calculated to be minus 1 resulting in
an error from the pselect call.
Line 34: sleep 2
Waiting for clients
About to sleep for 2 secs
Waiting for clients
About to sleep for -1 secs <- Error
err: select failed with ERRNO 22 "Invalid argument"
Receive failed ERRNO 22 "Invalid argument"
Unexpected response
1 errors
Change-Id: Ifddc3fe27ad72f21db6122a5084186051efc4fd2
Signed-off-by: Lior Suliman <>
M src/tools/multilock/ml_console.c
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
git pull ssh:// refs/changes/79/555979/1
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