On 8/22/19 3:01 AM, Bjorn Leffler wrote:
The proxy fsal only supports NFSv4 to the backend NFS server.

Have there been plans or efforts to support NFSv3?


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As far as I know as developer of the FSAL_PROXY, there is no plan to develop a connection to a NFSv3 backend server for FSAL_PROXY. A client can connect to the FSAL_PROXY with NFSv3, NFSv4 and 9P, protocols. The FSAL_PROXY NFS backend server must be compliant to NFSv4 .

Can you describe your need for such a backend compliance ?


Patrice LUCAS
Ingenieur-Chercheur, CEA-DAM/DSSI/SISR/LA2S
tel : +33 (0)1 69 26 47 86
e-mail : patrice.lucas@cea.fr