liyinshu has uploaded this change for review.
Fix crash bcz slot->cached_result is null for replay request
Reproduce crash as follows:
thread1: receive a replay request, and found slot->cached_result not null,
assign slot to data->slot at nfs4_op_sequence.c:131, and unlock
the slot->lock.
thread2: receive a normal request, got slot->lock and release_slot(slot),
so slot->cached_result was set null.
thread1: in complete_op, assign *status with
but data->slot->cached_result is null, so crash happens.
To fix crash, add pointer cached_result in compound_data, and save
slot->cached_result when found request replayed, in complete_op, get
cached_result from compound_data. Even though, other thread release slot
and set slot->cached_result with null, we can still get cacehd_result
from compound_data.
Change-Id: I92f472edc773bf357b35da1a1805e2d59c95a286
Signed-off-by: liyinshu <>
M src/Protocols/NFS/nfs4_Compound.c
M src/Protocols/NFS/nfs4_op_sequence.c
M src/include/nfs_proto_data.h
3 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
git pull ssh:// refs/changes/82/542082/1
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