You will generally get a faster response by posting to the mailing list ( than by mailing contributors directly.

FSALs are loaded by the fsal_manager in fsal_load.c.  The library that is loaded is <libdir>/ganesha/lib<fsal>.so  where <fsal> is the Name given in the config for that FSAL, transformed to lower case.  You will need to make sure there are 3 things done correctly:
1. The name of your fsal library must match the name given in the config
2. Your fsal must be installed in the correct location
3. Your fsal must have MODULE_INIT and MODULE_FINI functions built into it.

Without seeing the source, it's a bit hard to debug.


On Fri, Aug 2, 2019 at 7:41 AM kjl8401 <> wrote:
dear dang,
hello, i have a question for you about using nfs-ganesha.The private moudle NCSF do not load while compiled. you are an important contributior of this project.   I think you might meet this  problem and hope you can reply to me. Let me tell you about question.

the private NCSF moudle looks like load successfully

/FSAL/FSAL_NCSF/CMakeList.txt generated successfully

but execute the command
# ganesha.nfsd -f /etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf -L nfs-ganesha.log -N NIV_DEBUG

nfs-ganesha.log has not log
i do not konow what causes this problem and how to resolve.
I am looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you very much. 
Best, Sincerely,