Solomon Boulos has uploaded this change for review.
Grab mountd/nfsd ports from the PORTMAP service.
One more hardcoded config down the drain. The right way to attach to mountd and
nfsd is to ask portmapd (on port 111) where MOUNTv3 and NFSv3 are. I'm still
hardcoding the "use TCP" assumption, but I think that's a good idea anyway (UDP
over a WAN is likely sad).
Change-Id: I1354fc78ad41bbd7fa57797dbff63e831f4f54c2
Signed-off-by: Solomon Boulos <>
M src/FSAL/FSAL_PROXY_V3/main.c
M src/FSAL/FSAL_PROXY_V3/proxyv3_fsal_methods.h
M src/FSAL/FSAL_PROXY_V3/rpc.c
3 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
git pull ssh:// refs/changes/57/487457/1
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