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From: Frank Filz [mailto:ffilzlnx@mindspring.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 8, 2025 4:31 PM
To: devel@lists.nfs-ganesha.org; support@lists.nfs-ganesha.org
Subject: [NFS-Ganesha-Devel] Branch next AND V6-stable




Note: V6-stable branch is also created with this push.


Merge Highlights


This merge does provide some small "features" with new config options, however,

the defaults result in no change in behavior. Again, these patches are accepted

to work with Google to closer match their internal repos.


There is a new option to enable/disable sticky grace that defaults to disable,

returning Ganesha to earlier grace period behavior. Without the support from

the recovery backend, sticky grace could cause problems warranting disabling it

by default.


Some new Prometheus metrics are added.


* SAL/sal_metrics.c: Added SAL static metrics.


* nfs4_op_readdir: Always return NFS4ERR_TOOSMALL if we didn't have enough space for a single entry


* FSAL/FSAL_CEPH/handle.c: Moved tracepoint to reduce indentation


* Resolve compilation warnings


* common_utils: Added additional documentation to doc strings


* do not crash when ref count is greater than 1


* Implement log rotation/compress for Ganesha


* Fix the issue where the nfs4_op_write function always returns 0.


* Sticky Grace Configurable option:


* nfs_metrics.c: Fix code style issues


* nfs_main.c: Use dup2 to simplify function calls


* add root_kerberos_principal param


* add read_access_check_policy param


Signed-off-by: Frank S. Filz <ffilzlnx@mindspring.com>




952fb9337 Frank S. Filz V6.5

649d62698 Roy Babayov add read_access_check_policy param

41b1e7e97 Roy Babayov add root_kerberos_principal param

79cc98e80 bjfhdhhaha nfs_main.c: Use dup2 to simplify function calls

e8a3da149 izxl007 nfs_metrics.c: Fix code style issues

a410572cc VidyaThumukunta Sticky Grace Configurable option:

ae99e2eb2 yinlei Fix the issue where the nfs4_op_write function always returns 0.

b6e5fb110 Prabhu Murugesan Implement log rotation/compress for Ganesha

5c2b80569 Ofir Vainshtein do not crash when ref count is greater than 1

0cff86b0b Lior Suliman common_utils: Added additional documentation to doc strings

d48c2d258 Lior Suliman Resolve compilation warnings

18ddf224e Lior Suliman FSAL/FSAL_CEPH/handle.c: Moved tracepoint to reduce indentation

723dcac5b Shahar Hochma nfs4_op_readdir: Always return NFS4ERR_TOOSMALL if we didn't have enough space for a single entry

86e6b29c3 Yoni Couriel SAL/sal_metrics.c: Added SAL static metrics.