What underlying filesystem?
We may need some debug logs and/or tcpdump traces to figure out what’s going wrong.
From: David Hansen [mailto:davidh@weka.io]
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2020 7:20 AM
To: Daniel Gryniewicz <dang@redhat.com>
Cc: support@lists.nfs-ganesha.org
Subject: [NFS-Ganesha-Support] Re: Invisible files
Thank you Daniel for your reply,
If you have 2 folders, one nested, /dir1/dir2 and you issue an ls command in dir1. It won't show dir2 however you can cd into that directory directly.
The ganesha config is as follows:
DomainName = lmco.com;
NFS_Port = 2049;
MNT_Port = 20048;
Rquota_Port = 875;
NLM_Port = 32803;
NFS_Protocols = 3,4;
Access_Type = RW;
Manage_Gids = true;
Protocols = 3,4;
Transports = TCP;}
# Export Id (mandatory, each EXPORT must have a unique Export_Id)
Export_Id = 4;
# Exported path (mandatory)
Path = /scratch;
# Pseudo Path (required for NFS v4)
Pseudo = /scratch;
# Required for access (default is None)
# Could use CLIENT blocks instead
# Exporting FSAL
Name = VFS;
Thank you
On Wed, Nov 11, 2020 at 6:47 AM Daniel Gryniewicz <dang@redhat.com> wrote:
I'm not sure I'm understanding the problem here. Is it that you can
list a file but not see it's contents? Or is it that you cannot list a
file, but can still open the file if you use a full path to it? Is it
files, or directories, or both?
What version of Ganesha are you using? What FSAL are you using?
On 11/10/20 6:43 PM, David Hansen wrote:
> Hi Ganesha support,
> There are more general questions. I have a client reporting that mounted
> via linux hosts he sometimes is not able to see the contents. Logging on
> to the Ganesha server on the local dir does show them however. I was
> wondering if someone could point me in the right direction for possible
> caching options to throw in the mount to make sure the client cach is up
> to date? Some things we've tried:
> * We tried umounting /dataBA on the VM and mounting again, didn't help
> * We rebooted the VM, didn't help
> * We checked VAS info for user on nfs server and VM, looked ok.
> Here we see we can cd into a directory (redacted6) that doesn't show up
> in ls.
> We thought maybe touching a file would force a cache update or something.
> [user6@b5c06 redacted4]$ cd redacted5/
> [user6@b5c06 redacted5]$ ls
> afile
> [user6@b5c06 redacted5]$ ls -lh
> total 0
> -rw-------. 1 user67 hpc.default 0 Nov 2 23:10 afile
> [user6@b5c06 redacted5]$ rm afile
> [user6@b5c06 redacted5]$ ls
> [user6@b5c06 redacted5]$ cd redacted6
> [user6@b5c06 redacted6]$ ls
> 0-15ft 10ft 15ft 17-30ft 25ft 5ft
> [user6@b5c06 redacted6]$ cd ..
> [user6@b5c06 redacted5]$ ls
> Any pointers or insight would be fantastic.
> Thanks
> --
> David Hansen
> WekaIO
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David Hansen
davidh@weka.io • https://www.weka.io/
The World's Fastest File System