Thanks! I’ll have to re-read this code not on my phone tomorrow :). There’s an amusing comment above the GetFH call in wire_to_host about reusing the same buffer for input and output (so maybe the len check got added afterwards?). But I’d rather re-learn what this code is trying to do anyway.

On Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 20:45 Nick Couchman <> wrote:
On Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 11:41 PM Solomon Boulos <> wrote:
Huh. Can you LogDebug those values? It seems to me like that check should be <= not strict less than.

As a matter of fact, yes:

28/06/2021 23:29:33 : epoch 60da938f : : ganesha.nfsd-464682[svc_10] HandleMap_GetFH :FSAL :DEBUG :h->fh_len: 55, fsal_handle->len: 16
So, changing a strict < to <= won't help much...
