NFS Ganesha is Read Only Filesystem
I have a ceph filesystem I'm trying to export using nfs ganesha. Ceph indicates that the cluster is fine:
ceph status
id: 108a355b-1e9b-493d-91a0-ab898a67aa51
health: HEALTH_OK
mds: cephfs:1 {0=unique=up:active}
But when I try to mount the filesystem over nfs with nfs ganesha I get:
$ mount -t nfs -o nfsvers=4.1,noauto,soft,sync localhost:/ test
$ touch test/i
touch: cannot touch ‘test/i’: Read-only file system
And there are errors in ganesha.log
Anything obvious wrong with my configuration?
Export_Id = 25;
Path = "/";
Pseudo = "/";
Access_Type = RW;
Protocols = 4;
Transports = TCP;
SecType = sys;
Squash = No_Root_Squash;
Name = "CEPH";
Filesystem = "cephfs";
User_Id = "testuser";
Secret_Access_Key = "<removed secret for post>";
Ceph_Conf = "/etc/ceph/ceph.conf";
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] main :MAIN :EVENT :ganesha.nfsd Starting: Ganesha Version 3.4
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] nfs_set_param_from_conf :NFS STARTUP :EVENT :Configuration file successfully parsed
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] init_server_pkgs :NFS STARTUP :EVENT :Initializing ID Mapper.
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] init_server_pkgs :NFS STARTUP :EVENT :ID Mapper successfully initialized.
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] nfs_start_grace :STATE :EVENT :NFS Server Now IN GRACE, duration 90
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] create_export :FSAL :CRIT :Unable to init Ceph handle for /.
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] mdcache_fsal_create_export :FSAL :MAJ :Failed to call create_export on underlying FSAL Ceph
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] fsal_cfg_commit :CONFIG :CRIT :Could not create export for (/) to (/)
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] main :NFS STARTUP :WARN :No export entries found in configuration file !!!
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] config_errs_to_log :CONFIG :CRIT :Config File (/etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf:14): 1 validation errors in block FSAL
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] config_errs_to_log :CONFIG :CRIT :Config File (/etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf:14): Errors processing block (FSAL)
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] config_errs_to_log :CONFIG :CRIT :Config File (/etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf:1): 1 validation errors in block EXPORT
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] config_errs_to_log :CONFIG :CRIT :Config File (/etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf:1): Errors processing block (EXPORT)
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] lower_my_caps :NFS STARTUP :EVENT :CAP_SYS_RESOURCE was successfully removed for proper quota management in FSAL
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] lower_my_caps :NFS STARTUP :EVENT :currenty set capabilities are: = cap_chown,cap_dac_override,cap_dac_read_search,cap_fowner,cap_fsetid,cap_kill,cap_setgid,cap_setuid,cap_setpcap,cap_linux_immutable,cap_net_bind_service,cap_net_broadcast,cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw,cap_ipc_lock,cap_ipc_owner,cap_sys_module,cap_sys_rawio,cap_sys_chroot,cap_sys_ptrace,cap_sys_pacct,cap_sys_admin,cap_sys_boot,cap_sys_nice,cap_sys_time,cap_sys_tty_config,cap_mknod,cap_lease,cap_audit_write,cap_audit_control,cap_setfcap,cap_mac_override,cap_mac_admin,cap_syslog,35,36,37+eip
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] gsh_dbus_pkginit :DBUS :CRIT :dbus_bus_get failed (Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory)
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] gsh_dbus_register_path :DBUS :CRIT :dbus_connection_register_object_path called with no DBUS connection
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] gsh_dbus_register_path :DBUS :CRIT :dbus_connection_register_object_path called with no DBUS connection
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] gsh_dbus_register_path :DBUS :CRIT :dbus_connection_register_object_path called with no DBUS connection
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] nfs_Init_svc :DISP :CRIT :Cannot acquire credentials for principal nfs
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] gsh_dbus_register_path :DBUS :CRIT :dbus_connection_register_object_path called with no DBUS connection
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] nfs_Init_admin_thread :NFS CB :EVENT :Admin thread initialized
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] nfs_rpc_cb_init_ccache :NFS STARTUP :EVENT :Callback creds directory (/var/run/ganesha) already exists
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] nfs_rpc_cb_init_ccache :NFS STARTUP :WARN :gssd_refresh_krb5_machine_credential failed (-1765328160:99)
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] nfs_Start_threads :THREAD :EVENT :Starting delayed executor.
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] nfs_Start_threads :THREAD :EVENT :gsh_dbusthread was started successfully
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] nfs_Start_threads :THREAD :EVENT :admin thread was started successfully
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] nfs_Start_threads :THREAD :EVENT :reaper thread was started successfully
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] nfs_Start_threads :THREAD :EVENT :General fridge was started successfully
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[dbus] gsh_dbus_thread :DBUS :CRIT :DBUS not initialized, service thread exiting
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[dbus] gsh_dbus_thread :DBUS :EVENT :shutdown
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] rpc :TIRPC :EVENT :svc_rqst_hook_events: 0x5615da3f7070 fd 1024 xp_refcnt 1 sr_rec 0x5615da183cc0 evchan 2 ev_refcnt 3 epoll_fd 20 control fd pair (18:19) direction in hook failed (9)
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] nsm_connect :NLM :EVENT :connect to statd failed: RPC: Unknown protocol
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] nsm_unmonitor_all :NLM :EVENT :Unmonitor all nsm_connect failed
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] nfs_start :NFS STARTUP :EVENT :-------------------------------------------------
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] nfs_start :NFS STARTUP :EVENT : NFS SERVER INITIALIZED
26/08/2021 02:24:34 : epoch 6126fb62 : otec-blockstorage-imaging-red-1 : ganesha.nfsd-1221[main] nfs_start :NFS STARTUP :EVENT :-------------------------------------------------