My environment:
# nfs-ganesha-2.8.3-4.el7.x86_64
# CentOS Linux release 7.7.1908 (Core)
In light of the stability problems that I've reported here recently, and given that
really do want to continue to use nfs-ganesha, I'm considering mitigating
problems by either periodic or on-demand restarts of the nfs-ganesha service.
A complete nfs-ganesha restart, until an nfs client is successfully accessing the
server again, consistently takes:
~ 90 seconds for the nfs-ganesha stop
Others should chime in too, but you may be able to speed this up with SIGKILL instead of
We also need to work to speed SIGTERM shutdown...
~ 2 seconds for the nfs-ganesha start
~ 60 seconds for an nfs client to resume
Depending on how reliant you are on byte range locks and NFS v4 open (really only critical
if you interop with Samba or Windows NFS v4 clients, otherwise *ix Open state just
includes access mode and no deny mode), you could reduce the grace period and lease
period. Ability to do that may also depend on your network.
for a total of about 2.5 minutes.
Do these times indicate a problem or is this normal behaviour for nfs-ganesha?
If these times are normal and not the result of some problem, is there any way
to safely decrease this restart time?