I am running ganesha 3.5. I have a directory structure such that it has 25000 directories
with each one of them contain 500 files. The ChunkSize is set to 1000 and Entries-HWMark
is set to 50000 in the ganesha configuration. I run a script to list all the 25000
directories. I ran the list command three times. No other clients were interacting with
server. Through the stats tool, I retrieved the chunk count value.
1st Run: Chunk Count: 58335
2nd Run: Chunk Count: 69792
3rd Run: Chunk Count: 73270
From my understanding, the Chunk Cache stores the directory information about a directory.
So with 25000 directories with 500 files each, ideally the chunk count should be around
25000. One for each directory. And on subsequent runs, it should not increase.
I have not configured the Chunk_HWMark value. So it is set to the default 100k. I suspect
there is some chunk ref leak that is causing the chunk count to grow.
Setup Summary
Ganesha: 3.5
Cache Configuration:
Dir_Chunk = 1000;
Entries_HWMark = 500000;
VFS: Custom