We’ve been running Ganesha 3.4 successfully over several months with several PROXY
exports. Today for some reason, during Ganesha startup I see the following in the log:
19/03/2021 18:57:26 : epoch 6054f416 : ganesha : ganesha.nfsd-88505[main]
export_commit_common :CONFIG :INFO :Export 1002 created at pseudo (/ecco) with path
(/srv/rex/exports/ECCO_PD) and tag ((null)) perms (options=033030a2/000001e7 root_squash
, R-r-, , , , , , ,
19/03/2021 18:57:27 : epoch 6054f416 : ganesha : ganesha.nfsd-88505[main]
mdcache_exp_release :FSAL :INFO :Releasing PROXY export 1002 for /ecco
We’ve been successfully exporting /ecco until today. What would cause Ganesha to release
an export? All my other exports are fine. The only thing that’s special about /ecco is
that the server directory (/srv/rex/exports/ECCO_PD) contains about ten bind mounts which
are scattered across three different Lustre file systems. That hasn’t been a problem until
Please advise. Thanks.
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