The FSAL_GLUSTER PNFS code was a proof of concept and never formally supported or tested.
At this point, none of the regular community members is in a position to support
FSAL_GLUSTER. If you would be interested in that, we will happily accept patches and we
can offer advice as much as we can.
Frank Filz
-----Original Message-----
From: meenu2sachan(a) []
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2025 11:56 PM
To: devel(a)
Subject: [NFS-Ganesha-Devel] nfstest_pnfs - read_write test suite failing with
NFS ganesha (Gluster FS)
I have a 4 Node Gluster setup (Redhat 7), deployed NFS ganesha (V7-dev.4-0-
g8ae799) on all node with 1 MDS & 3 DS.
I am running nfstest_pnfs test suite which do basic compliance test
For read_write tests it performs 3 stages 1. Verify traffic for file using pNFS -
READ 2. Verify traffic for second file using pNFS within the same mount - READ
3. Verify traffic for first file opened again using pNFS within the same mount -
During stage 3 test expects below things which are getting failed.
1. LAYOUTGET stateid should be the previous LAYOUTGET stateid 2.
GETDEVICEINFO should not be sent for the same file 3. EXCHANGE_ID should
not be sent to DS(0) 4. CREATE_SESSION should not be sent to DS(0) 5.
RECLAIM_COMPLETE should not be sent to DS(0) 6. LAYOUTRETURN should be
sent to MDS, 1 call missing 7. LAYOUTRETURN should use the layout stateid 8.
DESTROY_SESSION should be sent to DS(0) on umount
Form packet capture we could see the sequence of events … For failure 1-5 Test
Create/Open file test_pnfs_*_f_004 and does a get layout ---> Server returns
Device ID 1 (lets assume 1), test1 runs bunch of tests and completes it and does
a layout return and destroy session and destroy client ID.
Test → Open same file test_pnfs_*_f_004 and does a get layout ---> Server
returns Device ID 2 ---> This is making the nfstest_pnfs upset.
For failure 6-8
Test1 completes the test and does a close session ID and as part of close session
id it is also sending layout return and destroy session.
Test2 completes the test and does a close session ID and as part of close session
id here also it is sending layout return and destroy session.
Now Test3 when it completes the tests it is expecting 3 LAYOUT RETURN while
test1 and test2 have already sent.
Did any one observed this behaviour? If yes, how to resolve same?
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