roybabayov(a) has uploaded this change for review. ( )
Change subject: Update Ganesha monitoring module
Update Ganesha monitoring module
* Split monitoring module to infra, dynamic metrics, http exposer
* Move Ganesha monitoring infra to libntirpc
* No longer requires the prometheus-cpp-lite submodule to
exist during build when building with USE_MONITORING=OFF.
* Improved the noop implementation for USE_MONITORING=OFF.
Consumers of the infra no longer need to check the
USE_MONITORING flag (will run noop calls when flag is off)
Change-Id: I3a46dd81aba82ec1c56fcc116288a5ecc88f6761
Signed-off-by: Roy Babayov <roybabayov(a)>
M .gitignore
M .gitmodules
M src/CMakeLists.txt
M src/FSAL/Stackable_FSALs/FSAL_MDCACHE/mdcache_handle.c
M src/FSAL/Stackable_FSALs/FSAL_MDCACHE/mdcache_helpers.c
M src/MainNFSD/CMakeLists.txt
M src/MainNFSD/nfs_init.c
M src/MainNFSD/nfs_main.c
M src/MainNFSD/nfs_metrics.c
M src/MainNFSD/nfs_rpc_dispatcher_thread.c
M src/include/nfs_metrics.h
M src/libntirpc
M src/monitoring/CMakeLists.txt
R src/monitoring/
A src/monitoring/include/dynamic_metrics.h
D src/monitoring/include/monitoring.h
R src/monitoring/include/prometheus_exposer.h
D src/monitoring/prometheus-cpp-lite
R src/monitoring/
M src/nfs-ganesha.spec-in.cmake
M src/support/server_stats.c
21 files changed, 304 insertions(+), 591 deletions(-)
git pull ssh:// refs/changes/56/1208656/1
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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Project: ffilz/nfs-ganesha
Gerrit-Branch: next
Gerrit-Change-Id: I3a46dd81aba82ec1c56fcc116288a5ecc88f6761
Gerrit-Change-Number: 1208656
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Owner: roybabayov(a)