The if statement at the top of nfs3_read_cb (and I assume nfs3_write_cb also) needs to be
re-organized to handle the no-error case first so that doesn’t go through
I can patch, or you can submit, either way.
From: Bjorn Leffler [mailto:leffler@google.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2019 8:51 PM
To: devel(a)lists.nfs-ganesha.org
Subject: [NFS-Ganesha-Devel] Correct usage of nfs3_read_cb callback?
I'm implementing a new FSAL. At the end of a successful read2() function, I call the
callback as follows:
void myfsal_read2(struct fsal_obj_handle *obj_hdl,
bool bypass,
fsal_async_cb done_cb,
struct fsal_io_arg *read_arg,
void *caller_arg){
// ... read data ...
fsal_status_t status = fsalstat(ERR_FSAL_NO_ERROR, 0);
done_cb(obj_hdl, status, read_arg, caller_arg);
This generates the following error in src/Protocols/NFS/nfs_proto_tools.c, line 213:
nfs_RetryableError :NFS3 :CRIT :Possible implementation error: ERR_FSAL_NO_ERROR managed
as an error
From the client side, read / write operations work as expected. If I don't call the
callback function, the NFS operation doesn't complete.
What are the correct usage of the callback functions, after successful operations?