- On the issue itself, I forgot to mention that we used SIGHUP to
reload. As you
suggested, will work on a patch to cleanup device major/minor to reuse if
possible, although I understand delete is not completely supported via SIGHUP.
But I do see some action to remove even with SIGHUP.
You have to use DBUS to unexport. I couldn’t come up with a way to do unexport with
SIGHUP. Actually, I do have an idea, add a Unexport = true; option. If that's set and
the export is present, unexport, otherwise ignore the export - then you can leave exports
in your config but have them not be present....
If an export is removed with unexport, that should release it's filesystems, and then
a filesystem re-scan has the potential of removing filesystems no longer present (but we
have to be careful there, GPFS has some issues with filesystems going offline and then
messing up exports).
- On this list subscription - I did subscribe to the list as well as
registered myself.
But I had trouble posting to the list, I had to login directly and post. I also not
received my own post yet, although I do and did get other posts.
Krishna Harathi
On 10/9/18, 4:19 PM, "Frank Filz" <ffilzlnx(a)mindspring.com> wrote:
Ganesha's management of filesystems is probably not ideal. We can add new
ones, but I don't think we implemented removing unused ones.
I would suggest looking at the filesystem management code to see if there's a
good way to remove them.
You would have to unmount the filesystem, trigger Ganesha to clean up and
remove the filesystem, and then mount the new filesystem.
The filesystem enumeration showed multiple entries using the same device
major and minor (all really related to the same filesystem, but something about
the way Linux handles volumes and such) which means Ganesha must pick a
filesystem to use for a given device major and minor. If the device major and
minor is reused and Ganesha hasn't cleaned out the old filesystem, it will detect
the duplicate and just re-use the original filesystem (which of course no longer is
> -----Original Message-----
> From: krishna.harathi(a)storagecraft.com
> [mailto:krishna.harathi@storagecraft.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2018 3:30 PM
> To: devel(a)lists.nfs-ganesha.org
> Subject: [NFS-Ganesha-Devel] Ganesha 2.5.4 - usage of device major, minor
> We are using Ganesha 2.5.4 VFS FSAL with FUSE based filesystem.
> During our testing of deleting existing exports and creating new ones, found
> if a device major and minor is reused, clients get ESTALE for accessing a
> created export (nfs2 below).
> This seems to cause the following log entry, and explains the ESTALE
> 04/10/2018 T15:16:59.769027-0700 : nfs-ganesha-26627[sigmgr] 1595
> :claim_posix_filesystems :FSAL :INFO :Root fs for export /exports/nfs1 is
> /exports/nfs2
> We use our own Exportid and unique FSID configured for each export in the
> configuration file.
> I would like to know more about the intent and purpose of the usage of
> major and minor of an export in this context.
> Any help in fixing this reuse issue is also appreciated.
> Thanks.
> Regards.
> Krishna Harathi
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