> I'm based in Sydney, Australia, so it's tricky for me to
join the
> weekly call, which is ~2.30am my time. I'm currently in the US and
> plan to join the weekly call on Tuesday.
I'm boycotting the call as well when it's just half past midnight here (JST), we
find other ways to work :) In particular there often are people in #ganesha on
freenode if you have any question.
If only I could get myself to the East Coast.... Then we could have the meeting 3 hours
earlier which would make it reasonably during the European work day, at the end of the
India work day, and at least before midnight in Australia...
The suggestion of IRC is a good one since we do have active folks in India and Japan. And
there may be some overlap between your morning and my afternoon (at least in the past
I've chatted with folks in Australia during my afternoon).
I'm also available at random times in my evening (not as much as before kids though...
I spend a lot less time playing on my computer in the evening now...)
Welcome aboard.