> nfs4_gss_princ_to_ids() should have succeeded if you have set up
system correctly. We use "winbind" with AD.
I am using ubuntu. Can you pls let me know what libraries I need to use to
compile ganesha with windbind?
Sri Krishna
On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 2:25 PM, Sri Krishnachowdary kankanala <
kankanalakittu(a)> wrote:
Can someone please reply to this.
Sri Krishna
On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 1:18 PM, Sri Krishnachowdary kankanala <
kankanalakittu(a)> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have AD server configured on windows 2012 server. I joined centos node
> to AD using sssd. I configured sssd with fully qualified domain names for
> users.
> I mounted the nfs4 ganesha's export using krb5.
> I create a file from client node logged in as user1(a) but
> when I do "ls -I" I see below entries where as I expect the owner to be
> user1(a)
> -rw-r--r-- 1 4294967294 4294967294 0 Aug 1 23:12
> file1
> I see the below error in ganesha logs:
> nfs_req_creds :Could not map principal user1(a)AD.DOMAIN.COM to uid
> I further went ahead and used nfs4_set_debug() to get more logs and found
> the below in ganesha logs when principal2uid() is called:
> nfs4_gss_princ_to_ids: calling nsswitch->princ_to_ids
> nss_getpwnam: name 'user1(a)AD.DOMAIN.COM' domain '(null)':
> localname 'user1'
> nfs4_gss_princ_to_ids: nsswitch->princ_to_ids returned -2
> nfs4_gss_princ_to_ids: final return value is -2
> Relevant entries in my idmap.conf:
> [General]
> Domain =
> [Translation]
> Method = nsswitch
> The same setup works if I disable fully qualified domain names from sssd.
> Is there a way to use other methods like umich_ldap and get Fully
> qualified AD domain running with nfs4 ganesha?
> Can you please list the steps I need to follow on order to do that?
> Thanks,
> Sri Krishna