My team has been working with nfs-ganesha for some time. This week I started sending
patches and paying more attention to CONTRIBUTING_HOWTO.txt
First of all, the home page says the community maintains an active, open IRC channel on
Libera #ganesha. Most of our developers keep in touch on this channel. I recently posted
messages there but have not seen any replied (*). Is that channel actively used? It that
the best way to ask questions? or is it this mailing list?
Also, every time I connect to that IRC channel I get the message "NFS-Ganesha
V5-dev.5 released! V4.4.1 is the current stable branch!". As I understand it, says
V5.5 is the current stable release. The IRC message seems outdated and is causing
And now a question about CONTRIBUTING_HOWTO.txt:
It says "Establish from the other developers which branch of whose repository is the
best to work in. Create an account on, login and view that developers
repository. Click "Fork" on the top right to create a copy of that repository.
Let's say your name is "Paul Sheer" (replace "paul",
"p_sheer" and "paulsheer" with your own name below), and say the
developer who owns the repository is named Code Leader and his login is
"codeleader". Now let's say the code branch is
Then it gives an example: "git clone
--branch new-branch ...... The current (as of 2019-02-07) branch for development is: git
clone --branch next".
And the question is: Do I really need to clone from some developer's repository?
(*) I hope I'm not coming across as super impatient. I just want to make sure I
understand how to work with the nfs-ganesha community.